The Friedrichstadt-Palace in Berlin is the largest revue theater in Europe. The proscenium theater stage measures 24 meters and is the biggest stage in the world. The hall has 1895 seats. Overall, the theater has a playable total area of incredible 2854 square meters. A water tank with a capacity of approximately 140,000 liters, which can be lifted out of the lower stage, and a mechanically mobile ice rink, which can be drawn directly on the basin. Another high-light of the Friedrichstadt-Palace is for sure the famous world’s longest legendary girls´row, which consists of 32 dancers.
Schlagwort: laser show
Laser show presentation at the prolight+sound 2016 in Frankfurt a. M., Germany
The prolight+sound is an international trade fair for lighting, sound and stage equipment and was held from April 5th – 8th 2016 in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. The grounds of Messe Frankfurt GmbH has 592,127 square meters of area, consists of 10 exhibition halls and a large outdoor area and is therefore the second largest exhibition space worldwide. Messe Frankfurt organized 132 fairs in the year 2015, more than half of them were held abroad.
„Laser show presentation at the prolight+sound 2016 in Frankfurt a. M., Germany“ weiterlesen
A further, promising laser show device by LPS on prolight+sound trade fair 2016 in Frankfurt a. M.
It is quite admirable how dynamic the technology advances. Different devices support us in all areas of everyday life. Every day we face technical innovations that are often indispensable on the next day. They bring relief in our profession, in the household and even in our free time. Valuable time can be saved, and versatile work will be enormously simplified.
Many of these technical assistants are always going to be more compact, handy and easier to use.
Colorful laser show staging by LPS for the new Volvo XC90 in Johannesburg, South Africa
The most southern country of Africa is the Republic of South Africa. With its coastline of nearly 2,800 in the south it is along the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean. On the north the neighbor countries are Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. On the east Mozambique and Swaziland, as well as the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa has approximately 53 million people and is a multi-ethnic society with a wide variety of cultures, religions and eleven official languages (this high number is surely unique in the world).
Afrikaans and English are the two languages with European origin: AFRIKAANS formed from Dutch and is spoken of most white and coloured South Africans. ENGLISH came with the British colonialism and is mainly used in public and commercial life.
South Africa is not only well known for famous people like Nelson Mandela or Hector Pieterson, but also for its legendary landscapes from the “Tafelberg” up to “God’s Window” and of course as a regional economic power. A lot of companies are located there with great success in their branches.
For example LPS-Laser SA in Johannesburg. It is one of the youngest subsidiaries of LPS-Lasersysteme, a leading manufacturer for laser shows and laser show systems in Germany.
Founded in the year 2013, LPS-Laser SA has already many interesting customer orders, who increasingly come from the automotive industry, and known events, which accordingly increased the recognition in the South African region. The latest customer, who also comes from the automotive industry, wanted from the South African company to underscore the exquisite market introduction of a new automobile. With a specially designed and preprogrammed laser show production, the initial and important appearance was accordingly put in a great scene.
For the presentation of the latest passenger car Volvo XC90 of the Swedish automotive manufacturer Volvo, LPS-Laser South Africa used five LPS laser projectors. These high end laser show projectors include one LPS-Bax 6 W RGB, two CompaX 8 W GB as well as two X-Beam+ with each 5,5 W RGB.
All laser projectors were produced handmade in Ofterdingen, Germany by skilled workers.
Because all laser systems must meet meticulously elaborated quality requirements before they leave the factory, all show laser systems are subjected strict tests and quality inspections.
The South African subsidiary of LPS-Lasersysteme makes the name LPS all honor.
In the founding year LPS-Laser SA had already attractive contracts. To name just one job like the Channel O Awards after party, where they projected colorful laser beam shows.
Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177
Website: LPS Lasersysteme + Lasershow, Lasershows
Powerful laser show systems and exciting new products by LPS at prolight+sound 2015
Every year, the international trade fair prolight+sound takes place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The world’s highly esteemed trade fair covers all disciplines related to the show business.
Latest trends of event technology such as audio and sound technology, stagecraft, lighting and laser technology and other show equipment are presented by leading manufacturers and service enterprises.
As it attracts many exhibitors from various countries to the trade fair year after year, also thousands of visitors travel each year from all over the world to this interesting exhibition.
928 exhibitors from 41 countries have presented itself at the 20th anniversary of prolight+sound.
From 15th – 18th April 2015, these exhibitors presented their companies and their product news and existing products.
Also at this year’s prolight+sound 2015 the company LPS-Lasersysteme was there as exhibitor.
The company is known worldwide as a leading manufacturer of laser show systems and supplier of laser shows as well as multimedia shows.
In addition to the already existing laser show systems, such as the best-selling system LPS BaX, the innovative CompaX and the laser moving head LPS impression laser, the South German company LPS presented also their new range of products.
This includes the brand new pure diode laser show projector Spike, available as Spike 2K and 4K (2 W and 4 W RGB ). This show laser system is especially characterized by professionally processing high-quality materials, manufactured by German specialists. SMA with innovative Q-Mount technology, specifically developed from LPS for pure diode systems, all relevant safety precaution as well as the real laser power in the article describtion are only a few properties, which make this system probably to the perfect laser show projector for beam shows and budget-oriented customers – because the device is low-priced, although equipped with high-quality technology.
Further innovative, new products are the laser modules made by LPS. These modules are available in single colors like red, green and blue (R, G, B) as well as in RGB multicolor modules with various laser power. Primarily they are developed for rough field applications like laser shows, but also for laboratory and industry.
In addition to the products for show lasers, laser modules and laser shows, there was also a compelling and fascinating demonstration of REALS by LPS. REALS by LPS is an interactive laser experience and this way likely unique.
Moving objects, body contours or gentle movement patterns are tracked with an infrared camera.
Via a special software several variable laser patterns and laser effects are projected, which can be supplemented by a LED wall or video projections.
Thus, for example, contours of the objects or movement patterns are rimmed in real time with a laser effect. From funny, interactive games up to compelling artistic performances in real time, exciting productions can be realized with REALS by LPS. REALS by LPS is popular with companies, event agencies and light technicians who want actively shape memories with exceptional laser effects. The interactive laser experience REALS by LPS proved at prolight+sound 2015 as a real crowd-puller, in spite of the rather modest number of visitors.
„With the this year‘s trade fair prolight+sound we missed some more international visitors, like already in the past. The number of visitors was so-so” said Rudi Maikler, Sales Manager Europe at LPS-Lasersysteme. “Nevertheless, this fair is important for a manufacturer to present its interesting product innovations and on the other hand to get personal contact with customers and business partners, who do not come from Germany and Europe”.
Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177
Webseite: LPS Lasersysteme + Lasershow, Lasershows
Laser show technology by LPS inspires in the Centre de Théatre et Concerts in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan was a Republic of the Soviet Union, which is independent since 1991. The country bordered by Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and the Caspian Sea. In addition, Turkmenistan is subdivided in five provinces: Lepap, Balkans, Dasoguz, Akhal and Mary. The land area is taken up to 95% of the Kara Kum desert, which consists of sand and scree. 46% of the population live in the cities and the oases in the foothills of the Kopet-Dag. The regions in the lower river reaches of Tedschen and Murgab, the valley of Amudarja as well as the Kara Kum Canal also have a high population density.
Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan. It was built in 1881 around a Russian military base, but almost complete destroyed on 5 October 1948 by a heavy earthquake. As a result, Ashgabat has no typical old town district, as we know from other older cities. When reconstruct the city in 1962 it was connect to the Kara Kum Canal. It is one of the longest canals in the world and rises 600 km from Amundarja river. Today, Ashgabat is an important industrial centre for mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, as well as the textile and food industry. Also in the field of culture and leisure, the city can offer a lot, such as e.g. the cultural centre, various universities, theatres, museums and a zoo.
The new theatre and concert hall, Centre de Théâtre et Concerts, has found its place in the city of Ashgabat, too. During the new construction and the associated investment in light and sound the focus was on quality „Made in Germany“, among other technical highlights especially for the laser show systems. Therefore, the operators opt for LPS-Lasersysteme. Two LPS-Bax 6000RGB laser show systems, each with 6 Watts RGB laser power, along with the famous laser show software LPS-RealTIME Pro, both made by LPS in Germany, were installed. Further ten special mirrors were attached, which have different properties. Called grid and line gratings; they are spectral effects that comes as a reflection or transmission. For the Centre de Théâtre et Concerts, reflection gratings were installed. These gratings split an incident laser beam into many individual beams. As the different wavelengths submit differently, a multicolored laser beam will be split in his individual primaries, the spectral effects. In the show biz, they talk about effect gratings. A line grating divides the laser beam into a laser line, the grid grating into a laser grid. The laser show system LPS-Bax is the bestseller of the German manufacturer LPS-Lasersysteme. It distinguishes itself through a high-tech 60 kpps graphics scanner, scanner safety, by LPS specially developed and produced laser modules as well as a timeless smart design. Because of thoughtful allocation of the impressive truss (trussing) in the upper stage, more modern entertainment technology such as headlamps, strobes and moving heads have been installed. Last but not least, the personnel of the new Centre de Théâtre et Concerts in Ashgabat get an intensive training with the focus on safe handling of show lasers and the application of the laser show software by an LPS employee.
Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177
Webseite: LPS Lasersysteme + Lasershows
Giant laser show productions for successful Russian pharmaceutical group
Recently, a dynamic Russian company took over a well-known giant from the American pharmaceutical industry, which was founded in the United States in 1849. The successful company from Russia was founded in 2001 by a young businessman in Russia and quickly grew up to a Group.
Well established, it cultivates today strong business relations with numerous, well-known pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Also in Baden-Wuerttemberg there is a company lcation that is operating with a different company name now. This factory takeover is regarded not only as another production plant which is located in the southwest of Germany, but also as the first pillar of the Russian company in Europe. The new plant is intended as the headquarters for all of Europe and should successfully open the door to the European market.
It was early October, as the takeover of the German branch was extensively celebrated in the Donauhalle, Ulm, Germany. There were some interesting acts in the evening program, which has offered great entertainment for all visitors of the celebration. In addition to talented artists, such as, for example, fire dancers and musical performances by three bands with different musical styles, the opening of the event itself was a real highlight at this evening. A specially programmed graphic laser show opened the ceremony.
This varied and entertaining presentation, decorated with elements such as the company logo, which dynamically rotated around the globe, as well as more graphical and textual representations, were designed specially for the company and the occasion of the event. Already in advance, the team of programmers and designers from LPS-Lasersysteme in Ofterdingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany proved lots of experience, creativity and musical sensibility to realize the demands and implement the wishes of the client. Finally, the laser graphic show was projected with the show laser system LPS-Bax. This laser projector is equipped with high-quality 60 kpps scanners, thus precise laser graphics and eye-catching animations are reliable projectable. As this was not enough, further laser show productions were presented during the evening.
As standalone show elements of the entertaining evening program, different programmed beam shows with various music titles enchanted the guests with truly magical laser show spectacles filled with breathtaking laser animations. All laser productions were programmed with the LPS-RealTIME Pro laser show software, which is developed by LPS and well-known with professional users.
With decades of experience and the concentrated knowledge of the users which is implemented in this multimedia laser show software, all types of laser shows can be programmed very user friendly.
For the beam shows three LPS BaX RGB show laser systems with a laser power by a total of about 55 W were used. However, to guarantee a professional laser show, further show equipment of high quality is required.
In addition, two wind fog combination of LPS-air series were used. Hereby, at the same time artificial fog is generated and distributed inside the location. THAT special laser effect is achieved only by evenly distributed fog, because through it the laser light is broken and thus more visible for human eye. Used as a very special effect, appropriate fog should not be missed at laser shows which are truly magical.
Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18′
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177
Webseite: Lasershow, Lasershows von LPS Lasersysteme
Laser show and color intensive beam shows at the Interboot Party-night 2014 in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance, Germany
Whether on the idyllic sea, at the reposeful sea or on the active river- for anyone who loves the water the international trade fair INTERBOOT takes place in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance every year.
The new exhibition Friedrichshafen isn’t just inspiring with its charming layer directly at Lake Constance and its pictorial environment but also for the modern architecture of the whole exhibition area. The new fairground was founded in 2002. With constant increments like the construction of other fair halls, divers meeting rooms and multifunctional foyers, the last exhibition expansion was opened in 2009, in the end with 12 lordly halls. Because of the nearly perfect location in South Germany, next to Austria, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, France and Italy, which are pretty close and reachable in little meters air line, lots of fair events take place in this commercial attractive center.
So this year there were again lots of interested trade fair visitors at the 53. fair in Friedrichshafen.
From the 20th to the 28th of September 2014 nearly 500 exhibitor from overall 15 nations presented their new and always actual products to the numerous fair visitors.
The truly first-class location of the fairground enables the exhibitors the opportunity to display their crafts directly at the river port of Friedrichshafen. This is beneficial for potential clients to prove their purchase decision. From sail boats to huge and extravagant yachts exhibitors present near navigation and communication possibilities, also the range water fun sports like for example the wake board and the water skiing and lots of other accessories that make the heart of a water sports fancier beat faster.
The exciting framework program offers not only an attractive fashion parade in a maritime look, fascinating challenges and lots of other program items but also a really entertaining party night on Wednesday evening, the 24th of September.
On the first floor of the foyer umpteen DJs heated up the atmosphere in diverse areas.
But that’s not all, the organizers attached importance to color brilliant effects on this event.
LPS-Lasersysteme from Ofterdingen, Germany, arranged for fancy color contrasts. On a lifting ramp, that was fixed on the ground floor and loomed into about the first floor, there were installed three professional and high-power laser show systems. Those High-End laser projectors catered for an excellent party mood with their collective laser power of 20 watts on the balcony related corridor, whose form was evocative of an “U”. Divers pre-programmed beam shows were staged by two X-Beam+ and one LPS-Bax RGB, which is that LPS-bestseller. Those laser shows were programmed synchronously to the music with the laser show and multimedia software LPS-RealTIME Pro, one of the well-known on the market. At the Tuning World fair the organizers already trusted in know-how and the matching laser technique of LPS-Lasersysteme from Ofterdingen, Germany. At the Tuning World Aftershow-Party called BEST OF IBIZA there are well-known DJs represented as show acts every year. LPS accompanied those grand Parties in 2011, 2012 and 2014 with their powerful and color-intensive laser beam shows.
Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177
Webseite: LPS Lasersysteme – Lasershow, Lasershows
Laser show in Ostfildern, Germany, at Flammende Sterne 2014
Giant laser shows and impressive fireworks have literally set the sky above Ostfildern, Stuttgart, Germany on fire – 60,000 enthusiastic visitors were this year present at the success event “Flammende Sterne 2014”.
The international firework festival ”Flammende Sterne“ in Ostfildern is a great and very popular event, which is already known far beyond the borders of Stuttgart. The event with goose bumps guarantee is taking place annually over a whole weekend in August. International specialists of pyrotechnics stage on each evening a breathtaking firework show to determine who is the best of the participants.
This year from 15th – 17th August 2014 the night sky over Ostfildern has already become the 12th time to an incredible and exciting scenery.So the professional pyrotechnicians offered at this year’s competition for the first place of “Flammende Sterne” truly incredible moments. As usual, there was for every single nation a night where it could take the visitors at 10:15 p.m. in a colorful paradise with exciting music fireworks.
Dubai, Costa Rica and Germany took place for the fireworks competition 2014. With an oriental show the participant Pains Fireworks LLS Dubai from the United Arabic Emirates started on Friday evening with the motto “An Arabian Adventure”. As the first participating country from the Arab Nations, the company proved its talent for thrilling pyrotechnics. The second show on Saturday made the South Americans from Costa Rica. Considered as “old hand“ of the industry, the family firm proved itself with over 120 years’ experience as highly professional. Their show entitled “Pura Vida!“ has probably offered almost all facets by the prepared music choice. From romantic to pop up to rock, there was a great music hit for all music tastes. Also the synchrony between firework and sound was a delight for the hearing and vision of the many visitors. On the last evening of the firework festival “Flammende Sterne 2014” the company Innovative Pyrotechnik GmbH was representative for Germany. With experience of several decades, the German company offered an incredibly impressive firework show with the motto “Unique Pyro Romance”. With their charming presentation, probably almost every heart of the spectators is melted. They proved that even under the theme “Romance” a truly rocky and very harmonious firework show can be presented. The song „Engel“ by the German rock band Rammstein rounded off the very elaborate pyro show with a twist and the company Innovative Pyrotechnik GmbH scored with their giant firework the deserved first place. With its harmonious show Costa Rica took the second place and Dubai was on the third place.
However, before each of this spectacle has started, a colorful laser show was presented. This fiery countdown sould have been get the visitors in a proper mood for the firework. Already the third year in a row, the company LPS-Lasersysteme from Ofterdingen, Germany, enjoyed the trust of the responsible to get the visitors with a music laser show as opening in a great mood. So the following firework was already expected with happy and sparkling eyes. With seven high-end laser show systems, including a LPS-StarLite RGB with double scanning as well as six LPS-Bax projectors, LPS put the heat on the thousands of guests on each three evenings at 22:00 p.m. with a total laser power of about 150 W. LPS presented for the first time four new beam shows during an event. The laser shows with the titles “The Unforgiven“, “Faster”, “Everdream”, and ”Eyes of a Stranger” had a truly amazing effect at the audience.
Multimedia spectacle with laser show at the Pluederhaeuser festival
Since 1963, the Pluederhaeuser festival in the municipality Pluederhausen, Germany, is taking place annually. Also this year from 24. – 28. July 2014 at the 52. anniversary, exciting days with numerous attractions were offered on the entire festival area for the visitors. An event which is customized for families, their acquaintances, friends as well as neighbors.
The public festival truly offers excellent entertainment for all ages. Among lot of other things the event also provided an exciting fairground for several days. It has included funny bumper cars rides, classical shooting gallery, a fascinating ferris wheel and many other exciting stalls, which have provided amusing moments. Inside the huge marquee many musicians had performed great shows, like for example a choir with 350 members. In addition to other brass musicians, also several bands were present, which ensured a good mood at the Pluederhaeuser festival. Further highlights was the “Punch and Judy show” for kids as well as the annually duck race with cult factor.
Also the culinary delicacies attracts the guests every year.
Beside hearty sausage and cheese plates, Tarte Flambée, classic roast pork with Swabian noodles called “Spaetzle”, gravy and salad, the popular grilled chicken “Festgoeckele” as well as Italian Pizza, the Greek Gyros, the Turkish Kebab, the hearty grilled ox is known as a very special highlight for all gourmets such as the beer from the barrel.
Since the grilled ox yearly is very much in demand by hungry guests, the ox is now even two times overnight grilled on a great fire, and not only one time overnight as usual, to pamper the palate of visitors over two days.
As a crowning conclusion there is a special eye-catcher for all visitors at the folk festival every year. Always at the last evening a breathtaking firework is shot. As the responsible organizers wanted to surprise the guests this year, they decided for more effects and special accents. That is why they offered to their visitors a new, totally unexpected finale show. The result of this great idea was the probably first-time use of laser shows at the Pluederhaeuser festival.
In cooperation with its very close partner for professional pyrotechnics from the German city Carlsbad, the company LPS-Lasersysteme from Ofterdingen in Germany projected a fantastic laser show on Monday evening, 28. July 2014.
Specially for this event, the LPS team has programmed an extraordinary laser show with its multimedia laser show software LPS-RealTIME Pro. To immerse the audience in a sea of colorful laser beams, three powerful high-end laser projectors of the bestselling series LPS-Bax, produced by LPS in Germany, were used. During the 15 minute performance, the partner from Carlsbad has proven his professional hand by shooting the fireworks manually and music synchronously at the same time, and also contributed to a gigantic overall picture of the show. The harmonious combination of professional laser show, sound and pyrotechnics has guaranteed a magical multimedia performance at the Pluederhaeuser Festival.